Sunday, October 11, 2015

Arthroscopic Knee Surgery... Best Thing I Ever Did (Thanks Dad for paying for it!)

On December 8, 2014, I had knee replacement surgery on my right knee due to osteoarthritis, a degeneration of joint cartilage and the underlying bone. I have this condition in both my knees, but my right knee had the worst bone loss and zero cartilage. My old insurance company in California, Kaiser Permanente, refused to do anything about it. Their solution was to take 600 mg of Advil every 4 to 5 hours and wear a knee brace. I did this for over a year before getting relief through knee replacement surgery under Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas. 

Now, I have flexibility and no knee pain when I squat, or walk up or down stairs. The nerves in my knee area have returned, and the numbness usually associated with the surgery is non-existent along with the pain I suffered with for years. I had an excellent Baylor Texas surgeon, Dr. Jason Davis.

My scar 10 months later.

One week after surgery.

                                Three weeks after surgery                                                   
I am not over-glorifying the benefits of the surgery, but just as important  to recovery are the exercises to strengthen the muscles surrounding the knee, calves, and thighs--which I did faithfully. Preforming the exercises in a pool, helped most of all because the water took some of the strain away, until I was strong enough to do them easily outside the water as well. Oh yeah, losing 35 lbs didn't hurt either.

Still Wanna Light Up?

Our former exchange student from Japan, Kento Tose, was quiet the world traveler in 2014. When he was in Croatia he sent us a photo of a cigarette vending machine and their warning labels. Too bad we don't have the same packaging here. If you have the ability to zoom in on the individual packs you can see how the packaging might convince someone not to open the pack.

Happy Howlloween

                       BLUE Boy
                                                        PEE WEE

Lil' Miss and Lucy Lou


Saturday, October 10, 2015

Cabbage Patch

My niece Sophia looks like I plucked her off a shelf at Toys-R-Us. She is so very smart, like her mamma.

Buzz Off

Sometimes I find him or one of his hundred cousins circling our house when our old boxer Dezzy is sunbathing on our lawn.

The Nordstroms of the Vet World

We love our veterinarian so much we want to put her kids through college.
"Four boxers... eeeee gads," says our bank account.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Carla's Visit

Lucy's friend from middle school came out to visit her last summer. Here are a few photos from the Fort Worth Stock Yards.

The Reason Lucy Takes so Long in the Bathroom


My Favorite Zombie!


On July 8th, Lorne had quite a scare when debris from a truck flew at his windshield. Shout out to Liberty Mutual who took good care of us and the replacement.

Puppy Picasso

A portrait of Lorne by Lil' Miss...

Ice Skating in July

Loved this photo of Lucy ice skating for the first time. Over all, she did pretty well. She didn't fall once and it only took 7 min 49 seconds to make it around the rink.

Oh, yeah... and she came home from her summer visit 
with grandparents in California with pink hair.

Sage in Bloom

Never knew sage had blooming flowers. 
Thought they were beautiful and wanted to share with y'all.