Being from California, I am not used to a real winter. I was also not aware that North Texas would get below freezing cold. Eee-gads! And turning the heater above 60 degrees is out of the question due to the fact I still haven't found a job and TXU is the most expensive electricity carrier in Texas.
When we first looked at our house, we were excited for a fireplace. In the back of my mind, and coming from an insurance background and fearing the effects of fire damage, I only thought I'd use it as a mantel for displaying nick-nacks and hanging Wilbur--I'll introduce you to him later.
Anyway, I quickly changed my mind after the first frost and agreed we should use the fireplace as intended by the builder and any smart homeowner. Unfortunately, with my wonderful hubby not here to keep the embers burning and my butt warm, making a fire was up to me.
This is something I truly suck at and, as hard as I try, all the logs do is smolder. If I wasn't so cold, I'd peal off the four blankets, find my cell phone and post a photo of my pathetic fire.