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5th Great Grandparents
Ezekiel and Delilah Jackson
Ezekiel Jackson was born circa 1773 in Chesterfield, Virginia to the parents of Abner (1750-1813) and Betsy (1755-Unk). Ezekiel first married circa 1795 to Deliah (1773-1836). Unfortunately, I was unable to discover documents on Deliah's surname, but it is believed to be Chapman. Ezekiel served in the Kentucky Militia in 1793.
Ezekiel and his children migrated to Missouri with other Kentucky families settling in Clinton and Jackson Counties.
The above reads as follows: Certificate No 1406 The United States of America To all to whom these presents shall come, Greeting: Whereas, Ezekiel Jackson of Clay County has deposited in the General Land Office of the United States, a certificate of the Register of the Land Offices at Lexington Missouri whereby it appears that full payment has been made by the said Ezekiel Jackson according to the provisions of the act of Congress of the 24th of Apr, 1830, entitled "An act making further provision for the sale of the Public Lands," for the East half of the South East quarter of sect six of Township fifty-five, in Range Thirty-one, in the District of Lands subject to sale at Lexington, Missouri containing Eighty Acres according to the official plot of the survey of the said Lands, returned to the General Land Office by the Surveyor General, which said tract has been purchased by the said Ezekiel Jackson. Now know Ye, that the United States of America, in consideration of the premises, and in conformity with the several acts of Congress, in such case made and provided, have given and granted, and by these presents, do give and grant, unto the said Ezekiel Jackson and to his heirs, the said tract above described: To Have and to Hold the same, together with all the rights, privileges, immunities and appurtenances, of whatsoever nature thereunto belonging, unto the said Ezekiel Jackson and to his heirs and assigns forever. In testimony whereof, I, Andrew Jackson, President of the United States of America, have caused these Letters to be made Patent, and the seal of the General Land Office to be hereunto given under my hand, at the City of Washington, the fourth day of March, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-one and the independence of the United States the fifty-fifth. By the President A.J. E.H., Commissioner of the General Land Office.
Abner's land is listed as Certificate No 1535, Executive Order 109: West quarter of south east quarter of section of nineteen, in township fifty-five, thirty-two in District of Lands subject to sale at Lexington, Missouri forty acres.
The document states the purchaser is Abner Junior, but I believe this to be my ancestor Abner J. Jackson. The reason for my belief is he named none of his sons Abner, nor would a nephew qualify for a Junior. I believe Abner was named by Ezekiel for his father, the first Abner in the Jackson line in America. Below is a map of purchased land plots for the Jackson families immigrating from Kentucky circa 1631. The map was created by Jim Debby Jackson, a descendant of Ezekiel's brother, John Archibald "Archy" Jackson. Jim has invested endless hours of research on the Jackson families dating back to the 1600s. I'm very grateful for him making this information available free of charge on his Jackson genealogy webpage.
Delilah died circa 1836 after arriving in Missouri. Several of Ezekiel's children are listed among the soldiers in the 1838 Missouri Mormon War. Between 1840's and 1850's a church was built in Perrin. Families like Biggerstaff, Dixon, Jackson, and Livingston, and Young must have worshiped in the little Church which includes the graves of members of all these families.
Ezekiel remarried circa 1840 to Clarissa Miller in Clinton, MO. He and Clarissa are listed on the 1850 US Census.
Ezekiel died on 10 Jan 1853 in Cameron and is believed to be buried at the Log Church graveyard. Unfortunately, I was unable to locate his grave.
Children of Ezekiel Jackson and Delilah Chapman
Joseph (1797-1875) - Joseph is believed to have married in Clinton, MO to Lydia Jones in 1840. There is no documented children. Joseph fought in the 1838 Missouri Mormon War. He migrated from Missouri to Texas with his younger brother and others, settling in Gober/Ladonia in Fannin County, Texas. He is found on a California Census, but returned to Texas before his death. He is buried in Biggerstaff Cemetery.
Memorial of Joseph Jackson who was born 26 November 1797 ~ ~ died 20 Sep 1875
Abner J. Jackson (20 Aug 1798 - 7 May 1852) is my 4th great grandfather. He married Polly Fitzgerald (10 Oct 1809 - 19 Oct 1852). Together they had fifteen children. Their last child, Barbara Jay Jackson was born five months after his death. Unfortunately, the children of Abner and Polly were orphaned the day after their mother gave birth to Barbara. Rufus, my 3rd great grandfather was sent to another household to be raised. He remained in Cameron county and is buried in the same cemetery as his father and grandfather.
Wife of Abner J
Oct 10 1809
Oct 19 1852
1840 Census Abner J Jackson
1850 Census Abner J Jackson
Elijah (1799-1849) - From his gravestone lies in Log Church Cemetery, he was a Mason, died on 12 Jan 1849, and was aged 50.
Rebecca (1800-Unk)
Isom (1802-1831)
Maria (1804-Unk)
Hezekiah (1805-Unk)
Jo (1810-Unk)
Oliver Ivans (7 Mar 1812-15 Jul 1872) - Oliver Ivans migrated to Texas in 1884 with is wife, Mary Ann Livingston (14 Dec 1818-17 Oct 1890), and children. His daughter, Didama Jackson-Biggerstaff is buried next to her husband GW Biggerstaff in Fannin, Texas.
Delia A Jackson (1814-1840)
Didama (26 Jul 1814 - 20 Nov 1889) - Didama was married three times. First, to Beverly Cary (1804-1833); second, John Elliott (1795-1845); and third, James Figgett (1798-alive in 1870). Didama Jackson-Biggerstaff. Didama Jackson-Figgett is listed in household of husband James in 1870 US Census.
Children of Abner J Jackson and Polly Fritzgerald Jackson
Oliver Hullet (1830-1906)
Missouri Ann (1832-1932)
Milton Jefferson (1834-1917) m. Willie Ann Biggerstaff
bur. Bailey Inglish Cemetery, Bonham, Fannin, TX
Rebecca Jane (1835-1911)
Amanda L (1836-1912)
Helen Mary (1838-Unk)
Lafayette (1838-Unk)
Noah Preston (1840-1922)
Nancy Minerva (1841-1841)
Eliza C (1843-Unk)
Lucinda F (1845-Unk)
Andrew C (1848-Unk)
Rufus Marion Jackson (1850-1932) ~ m Damaris Dixon
Damaris and Rufus Jackson, around 80 years old, with daughter Nettie.
Barbara Jay (1852-1912)
Damaris Dixon's father was Willis Dixon
3rd Great Grandparents
Rufus Jackson (10 Oct 1850 - 5 Apr 1932) and Damaris Dixon (6 Mar 1853 - 3 Sep 1943)
Children of Rufus and Damaris Jackson
Gertrude (1870-1948)
Dora Etta (1872-1874)
Noah Calvin Jackson (28 Dec 1873 - 9 Dec 1955)
Noah married Edna Grace Gilchrist, whose ancestors were Mennonite.
Otis Alva Jackson (1876-1917)
Charles Allen (1878-1958)
Willis Abner (1880-1948)
Lester Lee (1882-1944)
Eva Nettie (1885-1958)
Isaac Virgil (1887-1961)
Lottie Damaris (1890-1937)
Uhl Rufus (1893-1976)
2nd Great Grandparents
Children of Noah Calvin Jackson and Edna Grace Gilcrest
James Marion (1899-1984)
Otis Claude (1900-1985)
Harry Calvin (1905-1990) m. Pearl May Thomas (1887-1968)
Jennie Frances (1906-1992)
James (1907-Unk)
My great grandfather Harry Calvin Jackson was born on Thursday, 1 Jun 1905 in Cameron, Clinton, MO. Harry is listed in Noah's household in the 1920 US Census, age 15. The last year of schooling was eighth grade. On 21 Feb 1920, Harry married Pearl May Thomas (1887-1968).
Children of Harry Jackson and Pearl May Thomas
Rosetta Ellen Jackson (1 May 1921 - 14 Oct 2011)
Otis Earl Jackson (1924-1989)
Rosetta Ellen Jackson m. John Hyrum Bowman