Thursday, August 28, 2014

CraZy like mOm, a novel by me

For the last seven years I have been writing a young adult novel titled, Crazy Like Mom. Writing a novel throughout this extended period of time forced me to read other books in the genre I write. I’ve also had plenty of time to study books on the writing craft. These instruction manuals have helped me lay a stronger foundation for the home where my characters live. I’ve also learned to trust my many critique group’s advise as they act as subcontractor builders in my story.  

As I’ve done this, my writing and novel have improved. I’m able to see things differently, not just as a writer but as a life observer. I truly mean it when I say grateful for rejections. It forces me to fill the cracks in my story’s drywall and repair the leaks in my novel’s plot.  

I’ve attended writing conferences and met with agents and editors who've told me that I write well, but... the book should be written as a young adult novel. So I made the suggested changes, and then at the next conference I'd receive versa-vice reply… this is a middle grade story.

The best advice I ever received was from an agent at a SCBWI conference—although she later rejected my submission—told me to, “let the character write herself.”

So that’s what I did. A brief plot outline is as follows:

Fifteen-year-old Lucinda Wright has dealt with her mom’s unstable emotions for her entire life. Lucinda’s father uses work as an excuse to leave the house, and her seventeen-year-old brother uses band practice, his artwork, and alcohol to escape the dysfunctional family situation. But when her mother is hospitalized for attempted suicide and diagnosed with bipolar disorder, Lucinda wonders if her own feelings of frustration, anger and sadness are signs that she’s becoming crazy like Mom.

After endless revisions, Lucinda is telling her own story. One that I believe is ready to share with readers.  We’ve (Lucinda and I) have put together a book trailer that explains her problems. The answers will be found in the novel, which I plan to self-publish within the next year, if I’m unable to find the right publisher.  

The following link is Lucinda’s trailer. Let her know in the comments if you understand what she’s going through. Give her encouragement, and pass on the link. Lucinda might be someone you actually know.

The following link is Lucinda’s trailerCraZy like mOm Book Trailer

After you watch the clip, let Lucinda know in the comments if you understand what she’s going through. Give her encouragement, and pass on the link. Lucinda might be someone you actually know.

A second book trailer will be available on YouTube shortly. Also, the website  will be up and running soon. Please check back for preview chapters on this blog and on the website. 

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