Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Ass-per-gas anyone?

We spent family time planting asparagus this weekend. Don't tell my hubby, but it's nice to do family projects once a decade. Actually, this is the third family project in nine months, so bonding is more like bondage--just kidding.

By Sunday night, I could hardly move. Yep, over 40 yard of asparagus. Did you know it grows like grass? Just like a hydra, you cut off the head and stem and the plant grows another one. We won't have much of a crop this year, but next year we should be raking in the 'little green trees' as my niece used to say.


We ordered several dozen starter plants, which look like 
naked Daleks from a Doctor Who episode.  

1 comment:

  1. OK, Ms L.E. -- I've calculated that you should be able to sell $30,000.00 of "AssGas" per season -- try to take cash when Dad's at work!
